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The Latin word for "left" is "sinister," but also meaning:  Improper, adverse, inauspicious (Inauspicious: Boding ill, ill-omened, unfavorable.) unpropitious (Unpropitious: Not favorably inclined, not able to forgive.) unfavorable, harmful, awkward, forward -- future/further having yet to be owed. Which could also go into why evil "nuns" used to force children to write with their right hands even if they were left handed. Not only was left-handedness seen as a mark of the devil, of satan, that old serpent, but also as a sign of neurosis, rebellion, and criminal activities. Furthermore, the word 'left' in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “lyft,” meaning "broken or weak". Many historical texts regarding witchcraft practiced throughout Europe describes the left hand was the one witches used to cast spells and inflict harm on others. Additionally, all that a witch had to do supposedly was to simply touch someone with their left hand to curse them. Notice in this video how the Jesuits have taken charge . . . indeed have taken over the world for the papacy, the 'pope' of Rome!

Left handed -- sinister, the 'pope' the man of sin -- NOTICE ABOUT 20 SECONDS INTO THE VIDEO THE "POPE" SHAKES HANDS WITH HIS LEFT HAND -- BOTH ROMAN CATHOLICS VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN AND JOHN BOEHNER, 53rd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 2011 to 2015, DON'T FLINCH AND SHAKE HANDS LEFT HANDEDED. NOTICE: Biden gives a second quick left-handed Masonic hand shake . . .

Left handed sinister, evil, masonic handshake -- Joe Biden and 'pope' Francis . . .

Movie Icon2 Thessalonians 2, 9. Even him, -- the 'pope' -- whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.htm

Movie Icon'pope' Fancis I invokes lucifer on 'Easter,' Christ is your son!.htm

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs.htm

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm

Document IconThe 'pope' of Rome IS the 'Man of sin,' and the Roman Catholic 'church' is the Mystery of Iniquity . . . .doc

Movie IconEIGHTY POPES TORTURED AND KILLED some 50 MILLION (plus) -- . . .htm

Document IconFear of the LORD.doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconReverend, fear Him . . . .doc

Jesus Christ Eternally Refreshing Icon Which Mimics Coca-Cola LogoWhat could it cost you to be a Christian . . . .htm

Document IconWas the Emperor Nero 'the antiChrist' as some 'preach,' OR is it the 'pope' of Rome . . . .doc

Document IconThe new world order, a false man-made religion, led by the Roman Catholic 'pope,' who IS the antiChrist . . . .doc

Document IconNumber murdered by the papacy. Also, Calvinist, Puritans, Huguenots, Waldenses and Albigenses all taught the pope was 'the antichrist,' and the church of Rome Babylon.doc

Document IconMan of Sin revealed . . . Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the Son of God, Vicarious Christi, antiChrist, 'pope' of Rome, the Papacy . . . .doc

Movie Iconsatanic hand signs -- 'pope' Francis Flashes satanic '666' hand sign at United States Congress at the EXACT moment speaks of his 'god'.htm

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Movie IconDr. John MacArthur - Is Speaking in Tongues Demonic today. . . .htm

Document IconMega'churches'.doc

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Paul S. Harrell

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